No fog

See, my friend, there is no fog anymore...

I can still hear her words...Her voice was so calm and she looked so happy...

- John, it's not death that is happening to me now, although you might see it like so. I am just too large now for my flesh housing, I will return where we all belong...It's so beautiful here where I am now, there is no space and no time here...I am free, at last, I'm free...

- Marry, what did they do to you ? I swear, I will kill every damn Limp ! Keep fighting ! Don't go !

- They are Angels, John, they are not Limps... They came here to help the humans evolve and reach their true potential. A spell cocoon has been wrapped around the humankind and the humankind has now ripened. I am complete now, and I will return where I belong...I'm not alone, don't worry, most of the people on Earth are joining me... So long...

- No Marry, there is just a Morphie playing tricks on your mind ! Fight with it ! Empty your mind ! Don't let it control you !

- John, there are no Morphies, Morphies never existed. And deep inside, you know it...It's just your minds that could not comprehend the human love for the Angels, so you just came up with a plausible explanation for that. It's not your fault.

There was a gap in your reality, and you just patched it with a god...You humans, you always did that, isn't it so ?

- If you go, I'll come with you !

- You are not yet ready, John...Don't worry, you will come, only not now. The Replicators had been reprogrammed so that they will provide anything you ask from them, even the french fries and the t-bone you used to like so much before THEY came. You can have everything here on Earth, until you will be ready to join me again. You will not be alone, there are still a billion people living on Earth until they will be ready to return home...

She closed her eyes, and she left.

And then the Limps left. They just vanished, they didn't even bother to keep the illusion intact and use the ships they came here with. They just left in thin air....

Well, my friend, let's get in the car, we have to meet our neighbors !"


* the "alien assisted human evolution" idea is inspired by the "Childhood's End" novel by Arthur C. Clarke