The start of 2023 has been an exciting time for me.
I had the opportunity to be on ProTV national television three times so far speaking about A.I., and I was honored to speak at four different events on how to apply A.I. in various fields, from beauty to marketing and business. I also participated in two hackathons. And I've been tinkering with a unique project - a tool that generates news stories from parallel universes. It's been a fulfilling and busy start to the year, and I'm grateful for all of these opportunities to grow and learn.On TV and Newspapers, about AI:
PROTV ILikeAI (August 2024)
- Interview for Gandul (June 2023)
- ProTV ILikeIT (June 2023)
- ProTV ILikeIT (April 2023)
- ProTV Evening News (March 2023)
- ProTV News on A.I. (January 2023)
As a public speaker on AI:
- ABSL 11th Annual Conference
- Speaker at Faculty of Management (Nov 2023)
- Speaker at Faculty of Marketing (Nov 2023)
- Speaker at Bucharest University (May 2023)
- Speaker at BigDataMeetup (May 2023)
- Speaker at BrownBag (May 2023)
- Speaker at Cegeka AI-Data Alchemy (May 2023)
- Speaker at Marketing Waves Conference (April 2023)
- Speaker at BigLifeProject on A.I. impact (March 2023)
- Speaker @DWFTalks: A.I. applied in marketing and SEO (February 2023)
- Speaker at Estee Lauder: A.I. applied in the beauty industry (February 2023)
AI Toys:
- Estee Lauder Hackathon: Belle
- Unreal United Press: when A.I. is the blogger
- Unreal United Press: when A.I. is the blogger
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